{Ninguém é herói para o seu criado de quarto}
segunda-feira, junho 22, 2009
Exercício Espiritual 2

Dedicado à minha tia, e à minha mãe que me tentou auxiliar e a todos os meus amigos na casa dos 20 (ou dos 30), para que nunca nos esqueçamos.

(Atenção aos 9'30''. Dá sempre jeito dar ouvidos aos sábios e filósofos.)

quinta-feira, junho 04, 2009
Talvez tenha posto gelo a mais

Eu devia ir ter uma conversinha com o Ruy Belo. Ora se...

Na televisão resulta.
No cinema resulta.
Nos romances russos resulta.
Juro que não entendo.

Jerry's opening monologue:

The bad thing about television is that everybody you see on television is

doing something better than what you're doing. Did you ever see anybody on TV

like just sliding off the front of the sofa with potato chip crumbs on their

face? Some people have a little too much fun on television: the soda

commercial people - where do they summon this enthusiasm? Have you seen them?

"We have soda, we have soda, we have soda", jumping, laughing, flying through

the air - it's a can of soda. Have you ever been standing there and you're

watching TV and you're drinking the exact same product that they're advertising

right there on TV, and it's like, you know, they're spiking volleyballs,

jetskiing, girls in bikinis and I'm standing there - "Maybe I'm putting too much

ice in mine."

E agora que está provado que não sei nada sobre a Europa...

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